If you don't have much time to visit Segovia, at Nativics we have prepared this getaway so that you can discover the most relevant places of interest in the most optimal way. Segovia is a medieval walled city full of history, culture and excellent gastronomy that is easily explored on foot. It includes 1 night's accommodation in a hotel in the city center, tickets to the emblematic Alcázar and the itinerary with the main monuments, including the Segovia aqueduct.

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Travel guide of Getaway to Segovia with entrance to the Alcázar

Day 1:

Segovia: from the Aqueduct to the Alcázar

The one-day route through Segovia begins at the very Segovia Aqueduct, the most emblematic monument of the city that has been standing since Roman times and forms part of the Segovian landscape. Of course, it is worth appreciating that after so many centuries we can enjoy this amazing engineering construction. These Romans knew what they were doing…

After photographing ourselves with the famous aqueduct, we will continue towards Real Street which joins the aqueduct with the Plaza Mayor. This street is the most commercial in Segovia, so as you walk along it you will come across local shops and international chains, souvenirs and shops selling typical products from the area. Although it is known as Calle Real, it is made up of three streets: Calle Cervantes, Calle Juan Bravo and Calle Isabel la Católica. In this popular street is the Mirador de la Canaleja and the Casa de los Picos, both must-stop places… At the viewpoint, you can contemplate the fabulous views of the Dead Woman mountain and the San Millán neighborhood, so it is recommended that you take a few minutes to enjoy the scenery. Continuing on the same Calle Real, you will come across the Casa de Los Picos. What makes this building so special is the dozens of diamond-shaped points that protrude from the facade, all of them carefully arranged in an orderly manner, which gives it an unusual and very beautiful appearance.

After seeing the peaked Facade, we will continue along the same street but taking the section of Juan Bravo until we reach the Plaza de Medina del Campo, also known as Plaza de las Sirenas due to the sculptures of these mythological figures. Of course, these are not fairytale mermaids, with long hair and slender bodies... Rather they are a mixture of the body of a lion and a woman with a crown and veil, more similar to a sphinx. The statue of Juan Bravo also stands in this square, behind it, some small stairs lead to the Plazuela de San Martín, where the beautiful Torreón de Lozoya and the Church of San Martin. This Romanesque church stands out for its exterior with its imposing bell tower.

Once you have admired the tower and the church of San Martín, going up the Plaza de Medina del Campo, you will reach the Plaza del Corpus, in the Jewish quarter or Jewish quarter. There is the current Catholic church of Corpus Christi, which gives its name to the square and which, previously, was the Main Synagogue. If you dare to enter, you will appreciate a certain resemblance to the Toledo synagogue due to its white interior. Once you have discovered the Jewish quarter, if you continue along Calle San Frutos, you will arrive at the mythical Plaza Mayor, the nerve center of the city where the Segovia Town Hall, the Juan Bravo theater with its peculiar pink facade and the statue of the writer Antonio Machado, who lived and taught classes in the city in addition, on the same balcony of the town hall, what was to be the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed. Well, when this time comes, you are in the perfect place to stop for lunch before continuing with this itinerary. In almost all restaurants, the typical roast suckling pig is served and it is very tasty, the meat is so tender it falls apart. A spectacle for the senses that, if you are a meat lover, you cannot miss. 

In the afternoon, just after lunch, it is time to visit the Cathedral of Segovia, one of the latest Gothic cathedrals in Europe that stands in the Plaza Mayor itself. Although its official name is the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption and San Fruto, it is also known as the Lady of the Cathedrals for its great beauty and elegance. A must-see monument.

Just walking in a straight line, about 10 minutes, you will come across the majestic Alcázar de Segovia. An impressive fairytale castle that rises above the entire city creating an idyllic picture. If you want to enter the fortress, remember to arrive before 6:00 p.m., the closing time. If you follow this itinerary, you won't have the slightest problem getting there on time. 

nothing bette to end the day than at the Mirador de la Pradera de San Marcos, from where you will be rewarded with the best views of the Alcázar of Segovia. To get there it only takes about 15 minutes walking from the Alcázar. 

If you are looking for places to dine, in the surroundings of the Plaza Mayor there is a wide range of bars and restaurants.

What will you see today?

Day 2:

Farewell to Segovia and return home

After waking up in the beautiful city of Segovia, it's time to say goodbye to this beautiful city, a World Heritage Site. If you have time, don't leave without buying some typical sweets such as Segovian Ponche, florones, fried donuts or typical Santa Águeda pastries. 

We hope you have enjoyed this getaway And if you have been left wanting more, book one of our weekend plans in Segovia or our route by car through Castilla León and Castilla-La Mancha.

Did you know...

Ponche Segoviano

The Segovian punch

Although it is called Segovian punch, it is not a liqueur, it is a traditional dessert made up of a fluffy cornstarch cake, syrup, yolk cream for the filling, marzipan and sugar. It is difficult to find outside of Segovia, so we recommend that you do not leave without trying this sweet delicacy.


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