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Once you have admired the tower and the church of San Martín, going up the Plaza de Medina del Campo, you will arrive to the Plaza del Corpus, in the Jewish quarter or Jewish quarter. There is located the current Catholic church of Corpus Christi, which gives its name to the square and which, previously, was the Main Synagogue. If you dare to enter, you will appreciate a certain resemblance to the Toledo synagogue due to its white interior. Once you have discovered the Jewish quarter, if you continue along San Frutos street, you will arrive at the mythical Plaza Mayor, < /strong>The nerve center of the city where the Segovia Town Hall is located, the Juan Bravo theater  with its peculiar pink facade and the statue of the writer Antonio Machado, who he lived and taught classes in the city in addition to proclaiming, on the same balcony of the town hall, what was to be the Second Republic of Spain. Well, when this time comes, you are in the perfect place to stop for lunch before continuing with this itinerary. In almost all restaurants, the typical roast suckling pig is wonderfully eaten, which is so soft that it can be cut with a plate. A spectacle for the senses that, if you are a meat lover, you cannot miss it. 

In the afternoon, just after lunch, it is time to visit the majestic Alcázar from Segovia. An impressive fairytale castle that rises above the entire city creating an idyllic picture. If you want to enter the fortress, remember to arrive before 6:00 p.m., the closing time. If you follow this itinerary, you won't have the slightest problem arriving on time. 

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Travel guide of TEST weekend in Valldemossa

Day 1:

Once you have admired the tower and the church of San Martín, going up the Plaza de Medina del Campo, you will reach the Plaza del Corpus, in the Jewish quarter or Jewish quarter.  The current Catholic church of Corpus Christi is located there, which gives its name to the square and which, previously, was the Main Synagogue. If you dare to enter, you will appreciate a certain resemblance to the Toledo synagogue due to its white interior. Once you have discovered the Jewish quarter, if you continue along San Frutos street, you will arrive at the mythical Plaza Mayor, < /strong>The nerve center of the city where the Segovia Town Hall is located, the Juan Bravo theater  with its peculiar pink facade and the statue of the writer Antonio Machado, who he lived and taught classes in the city in addition to proclaiming, on the same balcony of the town hall, what was the Second Republic of Spain. Well, when this time comes, you are in the perfect place to stop for lunch before continuing with this itinerary. In almost all restaurants, the typical roast suckling pig is wonderfully eaten, which is so soft that it can be cut with a plate. A spectacle for the senses that, if you are a meat lover, you cannot miss it. 

In the afternoon, just after lunch, it is time to visit the majestic Alcázar from Segovia. An impressive fairytale castle that rises above the entire city creating an idyllic picture. If you want to enter the fortress, remember to arrive before 6:00 p.m., the closing time. If you follow this itinerary, you won't have the slightest problem arriving on time. 

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